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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I'm twenty, mom!!

horaayy!!! 29 MARCH!!

Alhamdulillah...ya Allah. sampean paringi kulo umur. :D
wahhh....umurku sudah puluhan sekarang. perasaan baru kemarin aku lulus SMA. yakz!

29 Maret kurang 4 jam.

haaaaaaah....aku diajakin mas anug makan baso bakar di pahlawan trip. Asik! haha...aku godain pas di motor, 
i : "mas, mataku burem..niat ambil uang sepuluhribu, eh lakok yang kecomot mek sewu"
A : "he..ojok guyon! ak gak gowo duit akeh ilo"
i : "gak ngurus!! duwitku mung cukup kanggo bayar PARKIR!!"
duaporsi baso bakar, seporsi mie pangshiitt istimewa , jus stroberi sama te anget. total ___ xxribu.

29 Maret kurang 2 jam.

Masih sama mas anug (huwooooo...mblengerr). tapi kali ini di rumah mb vindya. gosip-gosip. ngerasaniwong ngalor-mgidul. akakakaka...astaghfirulloohh..

29 Maret kurang  30 menit.
udah di kamar!! SMSan
aku ditinggal tidurr!! woooooooooooo......mokong tingkat dewo rekk!!hauhahauahau..#$%^&*()%^&*()

angga : "ynk, afwan aku keturon"
awas lu!! pengen tak raupi bumbu pecel ae!!
wikkk sadisss!!

eng ing eng........
MY FAM (ayah,ibuk,kakak,mas,bilqis) 
ANGGA (hooh...love you so much, darl)
MAFREUND (semua yg di fesbuk, temen SD, SMP, SMA, KULIAH)
ZULFI ALI (Pulsanya. hihi)
BIDA, TITIS, VIVI, PIPIT (blue sweater. its beautiful girl! nice! hehe

okey okey...
target tahun depan.....

> tambah berat badan! 4 kg ajaa. hehe
> tambah rajin. (temenan loh ca. RAJIN!!)
> kurangi waktu ngeluyur (ngeluyur lima menit ae, langsung mulih)
> perbanyak belajar dan berdoa (jangan berdoa tok, tapi ga belajar)
> buat album foto (kertas e selak mbulak. ayok ndang digarap)
> beli jas hujan (uangmu sendiri! gak boleh mintak ibuk!)
> cuci motor (yak ampunnn!! motor udah kayak tiap hari dipake ke sawah ae.)
> ganti cat kamar (pasti diomeli karo mbah disik :( mari diomeli, pasti ga oleh)
> dewasa (ojok cengegngengesan ae.)
> writer wanna be (ayokkk!!!!!!!)
> makan sayur yang banyak ! (hoh --")
> beli buku, baca buku, (uangnya? huhu)

yang pasti diumurku ini....aku mau jadi orang yang berguna! yang disayang! yang bermanfaat!
pengen banget.......:))

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


 dear, mablog...

I'll tell you, be quiet and don't move at all.

This is the beginning of March. And started well with a full activity. ohh...really, I'm very tired.

Today, weather was very annoying. Drizzle after noon and then rain a little heavy and light rain. I spend my pocket money with a very unnatural. ahahahaha....I felt hungry at any minute. yeyey...it's because the extremely cold weather. brr... Oh no no no!! Moreover, new canteen has been opened in my faculty today. yihahh... I bought java salad, I called it "gado-gado". it's one of my least favorite food. But, I should be able to save my money. Dear...food and money are the temptations of the heaviest. hahaha

After the lesson ended and before the meeting begins, We (I and all of steering committee) bought tofu with a delicious spicy sauce. hahaha... I mean that it's "TAHU PETIS" !! yeah...It was able to make my mouth "ngoah-ngoah". This is the most enjoyable activities since this morning.

Well, enough! Now, I'm going to bed dear...
thanks... you have listened me.



yeaaah.....March has come. Time to have fun guys!!